~~~~~ ~~~~ {~~} top ~~~~~ ADVENTIST LAYMEN'S FOUNDATION OF CANADA (ALF) Publisher
of the All the Specials and Commentaries are in the last file of the year. There are 4 files for each year: jm=Jan-Mar; aj=Apr-Jun; js-=Jul-Sep; od=Oct-Dec WWN is a thought paper that was published monthly continuously from Jan, 1968 to the end of Dec. 2006 . by the Adventist Laymen's Foundation of Mississippi, Inc.(ALF), with William H. Grotheer as the Editor of Research & Publication. The Nov. 1977 issue discusses "What is the "Watchman, What of the Night?"
SHORT STUDIES - William H. Grotheer - top Interpretative
History of the Doctrine of the Incarnation as Taught by the Seventh-day
Adventist Church, An Bible
Study Guides End Time Line Re-Surveyed Parts 1 & 2 - Adventist Layman's Foundation Excerpts
- Legal Documents Holy Flesh Movement 1899-1901, The - William H. Grotheer Hour and the End is Striking at You, The - William H. Grotheer In
the Form of a Slave Jerusalem
In Bible Prophecy Key
Doctrinal Comparisons - Statements of Belief 1872-1980 Pope
Paul VI Given Gold Medallion by Adventist Church Leader Sacred Trust BETRAYED!, The - William H. Grotheer
Seal of God Seventh-day
Adventist Evangelical Conferences of 1955-1956 SIGN of the END of TIME, The - William H. Grotheer STEPS
to ROME Times
of the Gentiles Fulfilled, The - A Study in Depth of Luke 21:24 Remembering ~~~~~ OTHER BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS & ARTICLES: Additional
Various Studies -- Bible As History - Werner Keller Place of the Bible In Education, The - Alonzo T. Jones Facts of Faith - Christian Edwardson Individuality in Religion - Alonzo T. Jones Letters to the Churches - M. L. Andreasen "Is the Bible Inspired or Expired?" - J. J. Williamson Sabbath, The - M. L. Andreasen Sanctuary
Service, The So Much In Common - WCC/SDA Daniel and the Revelation - Uriah Smith Spiritual Gifts. The Great Controversy, between Christ and His Angels, and Satan and his Angels - Ellen G. White Canons of the Bible, The - Raymond A. Cutts Under
Which Banner? - Jon A. Vannoy TOP
Due to his failing health, Elder Grotheer requested that ALF of Canada continue publishing thoughts through its website www.AdventistAlet.com which developed into frequent Blog Thought articles plus all of the Foundation's historical published works written and audio. As of 2010, with the official closing of the ALF of USA , The Adventist Laymen's Foundation of Canada with its website www.Adventist Alert.com is the only officially operating ALF branch established by Elder Grotheer worldwide. We are thankful for the historical legacy that is now available through The Adventist Laymen's Foundation of Canada, info@AdventistAlert.com The MISSION of this site -- is to make available the articles from the thought paper "Watchman, What of the Night?" It is not our purpose to copy WWN in whole. Any portion of the thought paper may be reproduced without further permission by adding the credit line - "Reprinted from WWN, Adventist Laymen's Foundation of Canada." top {~~~} |
Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path"
Psalm 119:105 Bible Study
Guides (Part C) Lesson
#12 -- THE HOUSE
OF CHRIST p 61 -- Hebrews
3:5-6 --
Moses verily was faithful in all his house, ... But Christ as a son
over His own house; whosehouse are we, if we hold fast the confidence
and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end. Note
- Elsewhere in the New Testament, the "house of Christ"
is spoken of as "the household of faith," (Galatians 6:10)
and "the household of God ... built upon the foundation of the
apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone."
(Ephesians 2:19-20) Ephesians
2:12-13 --
Ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of
Israel, ... but now in Christ Jesus ye who were sometimes far off are
made nigh by the blood of Christ. Note
- In these verses. Paul is writing to Gentile converts (2:11)
and indicating that when they accepted Christ, they became a part of
the Commonwealth of Israel, in Christ, they became Abraham's seed and
heirs of the promise given to Abraham. (Galatians 3:29) Further,
Paul declared that a real "Jew" was one whose circumcision
was "that of the heart, in the spirit." (Romans 2:29)
And again, he indicated that mere lineal descent from Abraham did not
count in regard to "the house of Christ" but "the children
of the promise are counted for the seed." (Romans 9:7-8)
In the New Testament, there is a "new" Israel developing -
"the Israel of God." (Galatians 6:15-16) The
Gentiles were called out of pagan rites and "bondage" to the
"weak and beggarly elements" of this world. (Galatians
4:3, 9) The Jews of the flesh and proselytes were called out of
"the house of Moses" into "the house of Christ."
This "new" Israel is called the ekklesia - or the "called
out" ones. In the LXX, this word was also used to describe the
"assembly" of Israel for religious purposes. (Deuteronomy
31:30) Stephen in his address before the Jewish Sanhedrin referred
to the assembly of Israel at Mount Sinai as "the church in the
wilderness." (Acts 7:38) Thus in the formation of the "church"
or "the house of Christ" under the Now Covenant, it was Christ's
objective to "reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross."
(Ephesians 2:16) Hebrews
12:22-23 --
Ye are come unto mount Sion, ... the heavenly Jerusalem, ...
to the church of the first born, which are written in heaven. Note
- Paul wrote that the Jerusalem that then was, was in bondage with
her children, but that the New Jerusalem which was above, "is free,
which is the mother of us all." (Galatians 4:25, 26) This
is the new mother into whom we are called, It is the true "mother"
church. With its registry in heaven, it assembles upon earth in different
places. The revelation in the New Testament is that the visible church
met primarily in homes, Aquila and Pricilla had a church in their house.
(Romans 16:5; 1 Corinthians 16:19) One, Nymphas, as well as Philemon,
had churches in their homes. ( Colossians 4:15: Philemon 2) It
appears in Epheses, when Paul was no longer permitted to speak in the
synagogue, he "separated the disciples" and these met in the
assembly room of "the school of Tyrannus." (Acts 19:9)
It must not be forgotten that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit took
place in an "upper room" where the followers of Christ assembled.
(Acts 1:13) The meeting place for the church at Troas must have
been a similar room. (Acts 20:9) I
Timothy 3:15
-- The house of God, which is the church of the living God, the
pillar and the ground of the truth. Note
- The supreme purpose of the church is to be the pillar of the truth
as it is in Jesus. (Ephesians 4:21 ) Since Jesus is the way,
the truth, and the life (John 14:6), His church, His house -
the "new" Israel of God - will reflect that way, that truth,
and that life. To depart from truth is to apostatize from Christ, and
this in turn necessitates a separation from assemblies where apostasy
is taught, even as Paul "separated the disciples" in Ephesus
from the apostate synagogue worship. Section
Corinthians 12:13 -- For by one Spirit are we all baptized
into one body. Galatians
3:27 --
For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
- Baptism, by water and the Spirit, is the door into the House or
Church of Christ. This experience, if genuine, usually occurs at the
same time, as in the case of Jesus at His baptism. Matthew
3:13-17 --
Then cometh Jesus unto John, to be baptized of him. But John
forbade Him . . .And Jesus answering said unto him, suffer it to be
so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness ... And
Jesus, when He was baptized went up straightway out of the water: and
lo, the heavens were opened unto Him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending
... upon Him. Note
- There are three points in this account of the baptism of Jesus
we need to Note: 1)
Immediately following His baptism by water, as He prayed on the bank
of the Jordan (Luke 3:21), the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus.
In this single operation, "all righteousness" was fulfilled.
Jesus, in setting before man an example, showed that by water the sins
of the past were figuratively washed away, and that for the future a
man was to receive the Holy Spirit as a guide into all the paths of
righteousness. What more is required? 3)
Jesus declared - "It behoveth us to fulfill all righteousness."
The symbolism and significance of baptism is not complete unless we
understand the place of the one performing the ceremony, as it relates
to the one being baptized. This last concept will be better understood
as we study the next text. Romans
6:3-5 --
Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus were baptized
into His death? Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death:
that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the
Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. Note
- In baptism, we are to be planted together in the likeness of the
death of Jesus. Baptism is a burial, and a resurrection in symbolism.
In this symbolism, two persons are required, even as Jesus told John
- "It becometh us to fulfill all righteousness." The
candidate yields himself into the hands of the attendant, even as Christ
yielded Himself unto the Father; and then as God called Jesus forth
from the tomb, so the attendant lifts the candidate from the watery
grave to walk in newness of life. That walk is not to be by our power,
but by the power of the Spirit of God. Any form of baptism which destroys
this portrayal fails to set forth the true meaning of this rite given
to us by Jesus. (sprinkling, infant baptism, etc.) Acts
8:36-38 --
The eunuch said, See here is water; what doth hinder me to be
baptized? And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou
mayest ... And they went down both into the water, both Philip
and the eunuch, and he baptized him. Note
- In this baptism, we have the details Note - d carefully. First,
there was the desire on the part of the candidate. Secondly,
a knowledge of Scripture that produced an intelligent surrender of the
whole life; and thirdly, a confession of that belief. This was
followed by baptism in which both went down into the water. Section
13:3-5, 12-17 --
Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands
... He riseth from supper ... took a towel and girded Himself. After
that He poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples'
feet ... So after He washed their feet ... He said unto them, Know ye
what I have done unto you? ... If I then, your Lord and Master have
washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have
given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.
- The service of humility precedes the communion service.
Jesus arose from the passover supper (John 13:1), and performed
the duty of a servant. He states that in so doing, He has given us an
example. In the process of washing the disciples feet, Jesus told Peter,
"If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with Me." (John
13:8) It is in the communion of the bread and the wine that we partake
of Christ's body and life. If not preceded by this ceremony, the other
is taken in vain - "Thou hast no part with Me." I
Corinthians 11:23-29
-- For I have received of the Lord ... that the Lord Jesus the
same night in which He was betrayed took bread: and when He had given
thanks, He brake it, and said, Take eat: this is my body which is broken
for you: this do in remembrance of Me. After the same manner also He
took the cup ... saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood:
this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, -in remembrance of Me. For as often
as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do shew forth the Lord's
death till He come. Note
- There is no time set for the frequency of this service. The injunction
is "as often as ye" do it. The Communion service took the
place of the passover, which was celebrated once a year. While the service
may be celebrated more often, none should neglect participating at least
once a year in a renewal of his covenant with God. Section
Corinthians 9:13-14 -- Do ye not know
that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the
temple ... Even So hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the
gospel should live of the gospel. Note
- Paul here draws a comparison between the support of the ministers
in the house of Moses, and those who preach the good news of the House
of Christ. He declares that the Lord has ordained the same method of
support. Those who share spiritual blessings in return receive back
physical benefits from those thus blessed. Leviticus
27: 30 --
And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land,
or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's: it is holy unto the Lord. Numbers
18:21 -- I
have given the children of Levi all the tenth in Israel ... for their
service which they serve, even the service of the tabernacle of the
congregation. Note
- The tithe is "holy unto the Lord." It was designated
for the ministry of those who served in the tabernacle of the congregation.
This included the Levite who cleaned the court to the High Priest who
could enter the Most Holy Place. All full time service for the Lord
was to be remunerated from the tithe. This is the example cited by Paul
for service rendered in the house of Christ. The tithe is to cover the
proclamation of the gospel, and those who proclaim it. p 64 -- Malachi
3:8-10 --
Will a man rob God? Ye say, Wherein have we robbed Thee? In tithe and
offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse; for ye have robbed Me ... Bring
ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine
house, and prove Me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will
not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing. Note
- The objective in bringing the tithe "into the storehouse"
is that "there may be meat [food] in mine house." This is
not merely to provide food for those who minister in sacred things,
but the ministers are to bring forth from the Word of God, that which
is food for the souls of those to whom they minister. Beyond the tithe
are also offerings from the nine-tenths which God permits us to call
our own. We pay our tithe because we owe this. But we give our offerings
which reflect our appreciation of what He so willingly provided for
us in the sacrifice of the Cross of Calvary. Matthew
24:45-46 --
Who then is a faithful and wise servant ... over his[lord's] household,
to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord
... shall find so doing. Note
- It would be sheer folly to place one's tithe toward the support
of those servants who feed the house of Christ contaminated [apostate]
food. Then there are professed servants who serve the household food
which appears appetizing but devoid of the nutriments of eternal
life. To furnish tithe for this kind of food would be equally as dangerous.
We, individually, have a responsibility to see that our tithe and offerings
support that which is "meat in due season." Section
14:12 -- Here is the patience of the saints:
here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Note
- We have heard the expression -"the communion of saints,"
or the fellowship of the household of God. Here in the book of Revelation
we have revealed the characteristics of the saints who compose "the
house of Christ" or His body. They keep the commandments of God
and the faith of Jesus. It was Jesus who proclaimed the Law of the Council
of God from Mount Sinai. It was Jesus who came and lived the life of
God before men. He manifested a living faith, that though He had accepted
the weaknesses and nature of fallen humanity, God was able to keep Him
from falling. This same allegiance to God, and faith in Him will be
manifest by His "saints" as they partake of the Bread of Heaven
sent forth to feed the needs of mankind. 2
John 9 --
Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ,
hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both
the Father and the Son. John
10:16 -- Other
sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and
they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one
shepherd. Note
- The doctrine or teaching of Christ - the voice of Jesus - brings
unity to the household of faith. By abiding in the doctrine of Christ,
we have both the Father and the Son, which Jesus declared to be life
eternal. (John 17:3) p 65 -- Lesson
#12 -- QUIZ 1. -- The Bible speaks of two houses,
the house of ____ and the house of ____. 2. -- In the New Testament the
church is spoken of as the household of ____; the ____ of Israel; and
the body of ____. 3. -- The Church is to be the ____
and the ____ of the truth. 4. -- The apostolic church met in
____, and in ____ rooms. They cared little for this world, because their
names were ____ in ____. 5. -- The entrance into the house
of Christ is by ____ in the ____ and in the ____. 6. -- Baptism, properly conducted,
represents the ____, ____, and ____ - ____ of Jesus Christ. 7. -- The ceremonies of the Church
which relate to the communion service are three: the service of ____;
the communion of the _____, and the communion of the ____. 8. -- The Divine basis for the
support of the ministry of the house of Christ is through ____ and offerings.
The tithe is ____ unto the Lord, and represents one ____ of our increase.
To default in our tithes brings a ____ but to pay our tithes and offerings
brings a ____. 9. -- The purpose of the tithe
is to provide ____ for the household of God. Faithful servants provide
"meat in ____ _____ " for the members of God's household. 10. -- To have the doctrine of Christ
is to have both the ____ and the ____. 11. -- The marks of the saints who
compose the true house of Christ are: 1) They keep the ____ of
God, and 2), They keep the ___ of Jesus. 12. -- Unity will be achieved among
the professed people of God, when each and all are willing to ____ the
____ of Jesus.
TOP Lesson
66 -- I
4:3, 7 -- For this is the will of God, even your sanctification
. . .For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness. I
Thessalonians 5:23
-- And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly: and I pray
God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto
the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Note
- Many conceive of sanctification as something related only to the
spiritual life. However, Bible sanctification takes in the whole man
- mentally, spiritually, and physically. The total man is to be preserved
blameless unto the coming of Jesus Christ. Why is God interested in
the body of man as well as the spiritual perceptions of a man? Observe
the following verses. I
Corinthians 6:19-20
-- What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy
Spirit which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body,
and in your spirit, which are God's. Note
- When Christ came to redeem us, He did not die for our spiritual
nature alone, but purchased our bodies as well for a dwelling place
of His Spirit. We, therefore, are not our own, and when we yield our
lives to Him, He intends that by sanctification - the act of being set
apart our habits, our dress, our all will reflect, not our vanity but
His character. Romans
12:1-2 --
I beseech you ... that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
acceptable unto God. ... And be not conformed to this world: but be
ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what
is ... [the] perfect will of God. Note
- Here Paul again presents the three aspects of the whole man. He
indicates that harmony with God's purposes involves a ladder of progression.
Our bodies are to be a "living sacrifice;" in other words,
there is to be a denial of self. In our habits of life, conduct, dress,
eating, and drinking, the world's standards are not our criteria.
To understand this, our minds must be renewed. We are to see things
differently. With our bodies freed from the customs of the world, and
our minds renewed to see things as God sees them, then we can prove
(understand) the will of God for us. The emphasis will not be on sanctification
per se, but on the objective to be realized, an understanding
of God, and a daily fellowship with Him as His child. Section
15:3 -- Now ye are clean through the word
which I have spoken unto you. John 8:31-32 -- If
ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall
know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Note
- Freedom from the fanciful ideas of man; freedom from the vain
traditions and commandments of men can come only through a knowledge
of TRUTH. Jesus has declared truth to be the Word of God. He prayed
- "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." (John
17:17) That word is to be found in our Bibles. But if we do not
study them daily, what good do we receive by mere p 67 -- profession
of that Word? Through the study of the Bible, our spiritual perceptions
can be sanctified wholly; and in our beliefs, we can be blameless before
God. Section
#3 -- THE MIND OF MAN Philippians
2:5 -- Let this mind be in you, which
was also in Christ Jesus. Hebrews
1:9 --
Thou has loved righteousness, and hated iniquity. Note
- Our mental attitudes must reflect the same concepts which Jesus
had. He loved, but He also hated. A "negative" attitude is
not wrong when applied in the right perspective. It will produce "positive"
results. The proper use of hatred can be a virtue. We are to hate evil,
iniquity, even the devil himself and all that he stands for. We cannot
take a condoning and condescending attitude toward that which is wrong.
We must take a bold stand - hatred of all iniquity in whatever guise
it appears. Only in this way can we be sure to keep away from it. If
a child hates a certain item of food, how successful is a parent to
get that child to eat it? If as a child of God, I hate sin, how successful
will the enemy be in getting me to commit sin? On the other hand, if
I love righteousness, how difficult will it be to perform? Philippians
4:8 -- Finally
brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things
are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue,
and if there be any praise, think on these things. Note
- Here is a list of checks and balances by which to govern that
which comes into the mind. It definitely excludes movies produced in
Hollywood style no matter where they are shown. Books of fiction, since
they are not true, are not found on a Christian's reading list. This
verse can also serve as a guide to regulate what we listen to on the
radio, see on television, and read in the newspapers. Section
Corinthians 10:31 -- Whether therefore
ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Note
- The things we eat, the things we drink, the things we do, must
be such as to glorify God: and not distract from Him, Whom we profess
to serve. We shall therefore Note - carefully what the Bible says about
food, drink, and conduct as it pertains to one professing godliness. Proverbs
20:1 -- Wine
is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby
is not wise. Isaiah
5:11-14 --
Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may
follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them
... Therefore hath hell enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without
measure. Note
- The downfall of nations in past ages, besides the ruin of individuals,
was due in a great measure to the drinking habits of rulers and people.
This same evil is still present today. Many believe that moderation
in the use of light "spirits, " such as beer, will produce
no harm. But anything that will impair one's rational judgment, and
lead one to do, say, or act contrary to the glory of God is sin! p 68 -- Isaiah
55:2 --
Wherefore do ye spend your money for that which is not bread? and your
labor for that which satisfieth not? Hearken diligently unto Me, and
eat that which is good. Note
- There are things that we drink that have no food value, but which
produce harmful effects on the body. Such is the use of tea, coffee,
and soft drinks containing caffeine. Caffeine supplied by the free and
common use of these drinks, is one of the most destructive of the known
causes of cardiovascular disease. "Tea,
in addition to caffeine, has another harmful constituent, tannic acid,
which has a pronounced astringent effect upon the digestive organs.
This action is detrimental to digestion as it retards the circulation
in the area it touches." (The New Dietetics) Isaiah
66: 15-17 --
For, behold the Lord will come with fire ... and the slain of the Lord
will be many. They that sanctify themselves ... eating swine's flesh,
and abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the
Lord. Note
- In the matter of eating the unclean foods, we may assume that
this will not effect our sanctification, but in our diet we must meet
the Divine outline. Further, the differentiation between the clean and
the unclean, according to this text, is still in effect from God's viewpoint,
at the second coming of Jesus. It did not cease at the Cross. I
Corinthians 3:16-17 margin -- Know ye not that
ye are the temple of God ... If any man destroy the temple of God, him
shall God destroy. Note
- One of the most deadly habits today, involving both men and women,
is the habit of smoking. Medical research has established beyond the
realm of doubt, that smoking is a cause for lung cancer. If I, therefore,
continue to indulge a habit that destroys my body, God will require
me to give an account, for my body has been purchased by the blood of
Jesus on Calvary. I
Timothy 2:9-10
-- In like manner also, let women adorn themselves in modest
apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or
gold, or pearls, or costly array; but (which becometh women professing
godliness) with good works. Note
- The phrase - "with shamefacedness and sobriety" - in
the Greek expresses the thought of a restraint in adornment which reflects
a sound mind. In other words, the face and the apparel should reveal
an inward character based on true godliness. Godliness is simply - God-like-ness.
The additives so often used on the face, or in the hair fail to reveal
the godliness, God requires. Also much modern apparel cannot by any
stretch of the dictionary meaning of the word, be classified as modest. I
Peter 3:3-5
-- Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting
the hair, or the wearing of gold, or putting on of apparel; but let
it be the hidden man of the heart ... For after this manner in the old
time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves. Note
- Peter sets forth that the Now Testament regulations on dress for
women is the same as the dress standards of the holy women of Old Testament
times. By contrast to the standards of the "holy women," Isaiah
describes certain "daughters of Zion" who have departed from
the simple dress God intended. In his list of the vanities worn by those
who left the simple mode of dress are rings, earrings, bracelets, and
other ornaments. (Isaiah 3:16-23) I
John 2:15-17
-- Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
For all that is in the world ... is not of the Father. p
69 -- Note - There are things which we do for relaxation
and recreation. There must be a diversion from the "grind"
of life. The Christian seeks to discern between that which tends to
destroy his appreciation for the things of God, and that which encourages
him in the onward march to the kingdom of God. Dancing, card-playing,
pool, billiards, and various other types of games of a similar nature
are not in keeping with the goals of a Christian seeking sanctification.
On the other hand, there are many things - hobbies, nature excursions,
and simple games - which Christians can do, and enjoy doing. In fact
witnessing to the truth can be made the highest type of "routine
change." John
17:15-16 --
I pray not that Thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that
Thou shouldest keep them from the evil [which is in the world]. They
are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Note
- In this high priestly prayer, Jesus summarizes the whole purpose
and objective of Bible sanctification. We are living here in the world,
but we do not partake of the things of the world. Jesus came into this
world, but the world knew that He was not like them. He came as the
light of the world, and so we should be in this generation. But, it
we do as they do, eat as they eat, drink as they drink, dress as they
dress, will there be any difference between us and the world? By our
fruits we shall be known. It is the outward appearance of the tree -
the fruit it bears - that tells what kind of a tree it is. Colossians
1:12-13 --
Giving thanks unto the Father ... who hath delivered us from
the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of His
dear Son. Note
- The phrase - "hath translated us" - denotes something
which has been accomplished into which we have now entered. As followers
of the Son of God, we have a citizenship in the kingdom which is above.
As citizens of that kingdom, we should represent it in all that we do.
While living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, following World War II, I
became aware of a group of people from Eastern Europe known as "D.
P.'s - Displaced Persons. They were different in their habits of life,
in their dress, and in their mannerisms. They reflected their "fatherland"!
Having met some of them, I said to myself - "I am a D.P.; my home
is in heaven." Then I asked myself. "Do people, when they
meet me, talk with me, visit me, see in my life that I am not of this
world?" Lesson
#13 -- QUIZ 1. -- God's desire for us is that
we should be ____. This includes the whole ____. 2. -- A knowledge of ____ frees
us from vain traditions leading to the sanctification of our ____ perceptions. 3. -- We are to have the mind of
Christ, who ____ righteousness and ____ iniquity. 4. -- List three common drinks which
contain caffeine: 1) ____; 2) ____; and 3) ____. 5. -- In the Bible, God classifies
the eating of pork with the eating of ____. Give the text: ____ ____:____
- ____. 6. -- What one word should characterize
all of our dress? ____. p 70 -- 7. -- The principle that governs
the Christian in his recreational pursuits is stated by John in these
words - "____ not the ____ , neither the things in the ____ ; for
all that is in the ____ is not of the ____. 8. -- Jesus did not pray that we
should be separated from society, but that we be kept from all the ____
which permeates the social world. 9. -- When an individual becomes
a true Christian, and submits his life and plans wholly to God, he becomes
a ____ ____ as far as this world is concerned. 10. -- The great objective of God
upon which all sanctification is built is the fact that having been
bought with a price, our bodies are to be the ____ of the Holy ____.
#1 -- The Diet of Man Genesis
1:29 -- Behold I have given you every
herb, bearing seed ... and every tree, in which is the fruit of the
tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat [food]. Note
- In the purity of Eden, God gave to man for his diet, . grains,
fruits and nuts. Genesis
3:18 -- Thou
shalt eat the herb of the field. Note
- After sin entered the world. God added herbs of the field to the diet
of man. This would include vegetables and other leafy plants which aid
man in the maintenance of body health. The Edenic diet, with the added
herbs, constituted the divinely appointed regimen for the first 1600
years of human history. Genes
is 9:3-4 --
Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat [food] for you;
even as the green herb I have given you all things. But flesh with the
life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat. Note
- After the flood, with the vegetation largely destroyed. God permitted
man the use of the flesh of animals for food. . . In doing so, He prohibited
the use of blood. The blood was to be removed before it was to be eaten.
With this change in diet came also a change in the life span of man.
Before the flood, one man lived to be 969 years of age. (Genesis
5:27) By the time of Terah, father of Abraham, the life span had
been shortened to 205 years. (Genesis 11:32) Leviticus
11:2-3, 9 --
These are the beasts which ye shall eat among all the beasts that are
on the earth. Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is cloven footed, and
cheweth the cud, among the beasts, that shall ye eat . . .These shall
ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales
in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. Note
- In the call of the children of Israel from Egypt, God designed
that they should be a holy people unto Himself. (Exodus 19:5-6)
In setting them apart, He restricted their diet to the clean animals
only. The distinction between clean and unclean was known at the time
of the flood. (Genesis 7:2) p 71 -- Leviticus
7: 23, 26 --
Ye shall eat no manner of fat, of ox, or of sheep, or of goat
... Moreover ye shall eat no manner of blood, whether it be of fowl
or of beast, in any of your dwellings. Note
- Besides restricting the diet in the matter of flesh to that of
clean animals, God also prohibited the use of animal fat and blood,
even though it be from the clean animals. This diet with the above prohibitions,
continued through the rest of the time covered in the Bible. Acts
15:28-29 --
For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us ... that ye abstain
from meats [foods] offered to idols, and from blood, and from things
strangled, and from fornication. Note
- In the decision of the first Christian Church Council, the prohibition
that God placed upon Israel relative to the use of blood was confirmed,
with the affirmation of the Holy Spirit. To this was added the prohibition
of all foods offered to idols. Revelation
14: 6-7 --
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the
everlasting gospel ... saying ... Worship Him that made heaven, and
earth, and the sea, and the fountains of water. Note
- In the final message that God gives to the world is the call to
return to the God who "made." Our
attention is directed back to creation. As one studies the record of
that first perfect existence, he comes face to face with the original
diet of man. While the Bible plainly permits the use of the flesh of
clean animals for food, it also sets before man the ideal in diet. As
man responds to the call to return to the Creator-God, his dietary goal
will be to achieve as closely as possible, the original plan. Section
#2 -- Christian Forbearance Romans
14:1-2 -- Him that is weak in the
faith receive ye ... For one believeth that he may eat all things: another,
who is weak, eateth herbs. Note
- The Apostolic Church had problems over diet. This is evidenced
that at the first Council, three-fourths of the actions taken involved
dietary items. The same subject was agitated in the church at Corinth.
(I Cor. 8) In Paul's counsel to that church regarding food offered
to idols, he wrote - "Take heed lest by any means this liberty
of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak." (Verse
9) Then he added how he personally would respond in conduct - "If
meat (food) make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the
world standeth, lest make my brother to offend." (Verse 13)
Paul operated from the principle that if one should cause a weak brother
to stumble and be lost by his example, then in reality he had sinned
against Christ. (verses 11-12) The same problem evidently existed
at Rome. How did he address it? Romans
14:4 --
Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? To his own master he
standeth or falleth. Note
- Paul here uses the master-servant relationship, but let us vary
the comparison. While in Christ, we are all brothers and sisters, we
are also sons and daughters of God because of Christ's identification
with us as an Elder Brother. This latter relationship makes us answerable
to God. It is not ours to judge another son or daughter's relationship
to the Parent. We are to exercise Christian forbearance one to another
to edify and uphold one another. This Paul concluded in his advice to
the Romans. He wrote - "So then everyone of us shall give an account
of himself to God. Let us not therefore judge one another any more:
but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion
to fall in his brother's way." (Rom. 14:12-13) p 72 -- Romans
14:17 --
For the kingdom of God is not meat [food] and drink; but righteousness,
and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Note
- Too many in the area of Christian conduct - Bible sanctification
- major in minors, and minor in majors. We seek to play the role of
the Holy Spirit in bringing conviction to our brother or sister to have
them do precisely the way we see one should eat, drink, and dress. Let
the Holy Spirit do the work assigned by Christ to lead into all truth,
and to encourage growth in the things Of God - righteousness, peace,
and joy. (John 16:13; II Thess. 2:13) Romans
14:22 --
Hast thou faith? Have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth
not himself in that thing which he alloweth. Note
- In the area of diet - as well as in all other reforms - there
are those who are convicted they should practice many things not commanded
in the Bible. In some cases extreme fanaticism develops. Those who hold
to these extreme views seek to rein everyone else up to their perception
of what constitutes adherence to the "faith." Paul stated
that if you are so convicted, have it to yourself before God.
If, however, one believes himself at liberty to live free from such
severe restrictions, he must consider lest what he allows, condemn him.
The bottom line remains - "For food, destroy not the work of God."
Romans 14:20) Exercise forbearance. I
Corinthians 10:20-21 -- But I say, that
the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and
not to God... Ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and the table
of devils. Note
- Paul has set forth a vital principle in this text. Those who sit
at the table of the Lord, which is the communion table, on which was
placed the symbols of the New Covenant, cannot in their life and practice
wear the symbols of, or take part in the pagan rites of the "Gentiles."
To do so is to worship the devil. The use of the wedding ring stems
from the most licentious rites of paganism, and was connected with the
pagan worship of the reproductive organs. The following two quotations
Note - its pagan origin: "Confiding
then in the power of Christianity to resist the infection of evil and
to transmit the very instruments and appendages of demon worship to
an evangelical use... the rulers of the Church from early times were
prepared, should the occasion arise to adopt, or imitate, or sanction
the existing rites and customs of the populace... We are told in various
ways by Eusebius, that Constantine, in order to recommend the new religion
to the heathen, transferred into it the outward ornaments to which they
had been accustomed in their own... The use of temples, and these dedicated
to particular saints; ... holy water... sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure,
the ring in marriage... are all of pagan origin, and sanctified
by their adoption in to the church." (J. H. Cardinal Newman,
An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, pp. 371-372,
373. Emphasis mine) "The
wedding ring is an optional part of the marriage ceremony. If the bride
doesn't wish to wear one, it isn't required. The ceremony is valid should
she choose to delete, "With this ring, I thee wed." Actually
the giving and receiving of a wedding ring is a pagan custom, simply
added to church ceremony." (Eileen Morris, "Weddings Can
Be Different," Chatelaine, April, 1949. A Woman's Journal
published in Canada)
TOP Lesson
#14 -- THE HOLY
Peter 1:21 -- Holy men of God spake as
they were moved by the Holy Spirit. Note
- Our Bible, the revelation of the will of God to men, is the work
of the Holy Sprit. The Third Person of the Council of God used the human
instrument simply as a means to convey the thoughts of God to men. This
fact is attested in other texts such as Acts 1:16, where Peter
stated that the Scripture needed to be fulfilled which "the Holy
Spirit by the mouth of David spoke." The testimony of David reads
- "The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and His word was in my tongue."
(II Samuel 23:2) John
16:12-13 --
I have many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit
when He, the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all truth. Note
- Jesus wanted to convey to the disciples the fulness of divine
revelation, but they could not bear it: so He assured them that the
Holy Spirit would come and guide them into all truth. This Holy Spirit
would reveal Jesus in His fulness (John 16:14), and would abide
with them forever (John 14:16). Now the Bible, which is the primary
and fundamental revelation of God to man, was written over a period
of time from Moses about 1500 BC to John about 100 A.D. Now the question
comes - Did the Holy Spirit cease to guide into the truth after 100
A.D.? If He was to abide forever with the followers of Christ, how has
that guidance been known and understood? Ephesians
4:8,11-13 --
When He [Jesus] ascended up on high, He ... gave gifts unto men ...
And He gave some, apostles; and some prophets; and some, evangelists;
and some pastors and teachers; ... till we all come to the unity of
the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man,
unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. Note
- In these verses are listed five gifts of the Spirit which were
to continue until we reach the "measure of the stature of the fulness
of Christ." This will be when Jesus returns the second time. (I
John 3:2-3) Here then, is another testimony to the fact that when
the Spirit was sent, He was to abide with the people of God "forever."
meaning of the word, apostle, is one who is sent. Such a one is sent
with authority. (Matthew 10: 1; Luke 9:1 ; Galatians 2:8-9) A
prophet is one who speaks forth for God; he is to be God's mouthpiece
in the assembly of the saints. The meaning of the others gifts - evangelists,
pastors and teachers - is well known. The most controversial of all
the gifts is the gift of prophecy. How to relate it to the primary revelation
of God in the Holy Scriptures raises many questions and problems. Yet
this gift is especially Note - d in Bible prophecy itself as playing
an important role in the end times of human history. Revelation
12:17; 19:10
-- And the dragon ... went to make war with the remnant ... which
keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus. - - -
The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Note
- The end time people of God not only hear the voice of God in His
law, and respond by keeping those commandments, but they also have the
continued voice of Jesus which He promised to be in His household through
the Spirit till the end of time. The Spirit of prophecy is not a set
of writings, but the coming of the Holy Spirit upon human instrumentalites
endowing them with power to speak forth for Jesus - His testimony. p 74 --
Isaiah 11:11-12,
16 -- And it shall come to pass in that day, that the
Lord shall set His hand again a second time to recover the remnant of
His people. ... And there shall be an highway for
the remnant of His people ... . like as it was to Israel in the
day that he came up out of the land of Egypt. Note
- The ancient prophet looked forward to the gathering of a remnant.
The book of Revelation indicates this to be the remnant "seed of
the woman" - the woman symbolizing the heavenly Jerusalem, the
"church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven." (Compare
Hebrews 12:22-23: Jeremiah 6:2-3; and Isaiah 51:16) This
final gathering will be "like as" it was when Israel was brought
out of Egypt. Hosea
12:13 -- And
by a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet
was he preserved. Note
- in both the Old and New Testaments, in speaking
of the final group of God's people on the earth, it is stated clearly
that prophetic guidance will be restored to lead them through the final
conflict of earth's history. Section
13:1-2 -- Now there were in the church
that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers ... As they ministered
to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Spirit said ... Acts
21:8-9 --
We entered into the house of Philip the evangelist ... and the same
man had four daughters which did prophesy. Acts
21:10 --
And as we tarried there many days, there came down from Judea a certain
prophet, named Agabus. Note
- These verses mention various prophets, but we do not have in the
Bible a Book of Agabus, nor a Book of the Four Daughters of Philip.
However, these prophets are mentioned in connection with one who wrote
more of the books of the New Testament than any other single person.
Further, Agabus is given a message for Paul. (Acts 21:11) Here
we see the work of non-canonical prophets - their work is local with
specific guidance for individuals and groups, meeting local conditions.
(See also Acts 11:27-30) Section
John 4:1 -- Beloved, believe not every
spirit, but try the spirits, whether they be of God: because many false
prophets are gone out into the world. Note
- For everything genuine, Satan has his counterfeit. Because there
is the false, is this justification for not seeking the true? There
are tests by which we may try the "spirits" and discern the
true from the false. If we are willing to follow these tests, we shall
not be led into error. Isaiah
8:20 --
To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this
word, it is because there is no light in them. p 75 --
- The Law and the testimony concerning that Law - the rest of the
Scriptures - constitute the standard by which all manifestation of spiritual
gifts are to be evaluated. It was the Holy Spirit which inspired the
sacred Word in harmony with the principles of God's government. Therefore,
all spiritual gifts
will conform to that which has been previously spoken and written. That
by which something is judged is greater than the thing judged, so likewise
the Sacred Scriptures maintain ever their primacy over any other manifestation
of the Holy Spirit. Daniel
10:15-17 --
And when he had spoken such words to me, I set my face toward the ground,
and I became dumb. And behold, one ... touched my lips: then I opened
my mouth and spake ... 0 my lord, by the vision ... I retained no strength.
For how can the servant ... talk ... for as for me ... there remaineth
no strength in me, neither is there breath left in me. Note
- Here in this book of Daniel sealed - set apart till the time of
the end (Daniel 12:4) - is to be found a detailed experience
of what occurs physically when in vision, or receiving a revelation.
In Daniel's body, there was no breath, yet he could speak. This reveals
the complete control of the individual, even to one of his very vital
[life] signs, by the Holy Spirit when used as an instrument to convey
the thoughts of God to men. Relationship
Between Bible and Spiritual Gifts - How Viewed The
Bible is a perfect and complete revelation. It is our only rule
of faith and practice. But this is no reason, why God may not show the
past, present, and future fulfillment of His Word, in these last days,
by dreams and visions; according to Peter's testimony. True visions
are given to lead us to God, and His written Word; but those that are
given for a new rule of faith and practice, separate from the Bible,
cannot be from God, and should be rejected. (A Word to the Little
Flock, p. 13) (See
Appendix F for further in depth study concepts)
76 -- ---Appendix
Old Testament is arranged into five sections: 1 ) -- Pentateuch (Genesis - Deuteronomy)
[written by Moses] 2) -- History (Joshua - Esther) 3) -- Poetry (Job - Song of Solomon) 4) -- Major Prophets (Isaiah -
Daniel) 5) -- Minor Prophets (Hosea - Malachi) The
New Testament is
likewise divided into five sections: 1) -- The Gospels (Matthew - John) 2) -- History (Acts of the Apostles) 3) -- Pauline Epistles (Romans -
Hebrews) 4) -- General Epistles (James -
Jude) 5) -- Prophecy (Revelation) The Old Testament was written in Hebrew
with the exception of a few chapters in Ezra
(4:8 to 6:18; 7:12-26) and Daniel
(2:4 to 7:28), which were written in Aramaic. There are
modern Jewish scholars who contend that the whole of the book of
Daniel was originally written in Aramaic. (H. Louis Ginsberg,
Studies in Daniel, p. 41) Aramaic was the official language of
the civilized world up to the time of the Macedonian conquests under
Alexander the Great, and was the official language of the Neo-Babylonian
and Persian Empires. The New Testament appears to have been
written in Greek, although there are some scholars who contend that
some of the Gospels could have been written in Aramaic and then translated
into the Greek. Jesus spoke Aramaic, and it is still a living language
used in certain parts of the Near East, now known as Syriac. The Hebrews divided the Old Testament into
just three sections - The Torah or the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings.
These divisions are reflected in the New Testament, and when understood
helps one to better evaluate the New Testament writer's quotes from
the Old Testament. In Luke
24:27, where Jesus' conversation with the two on the way
to Emmaus is recorded, it is stated that Jesus "beginning at Moses
[the Torah] and all the prophets, ... expounded unto them in all the
scriptures (graphais - writings) the things concerning Himself."
Later that night, Jesus told the ones in the upper room that "all
things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses (the
Torah, the first five books of Moses), and in the prophets, and the
Psalms (the first book in the section of Writings, and thus standing
for the whole of that section)" concerning Him. (Luke
24:44) In Luke
2:22-23 where reference is made first to Exodus
13:2, and then to Leviticus
12:8, it is stated as being "written in the law of the
Lord." However, when Paul quoted from Deuteronomy
25:4, he indicated he was quoting from "the Law of Moses."
(I Corinthians 9:9)
Then when Paul referred to what Isaiah had written (28:11-12)
he stated - "In the law it is written." (I
Corinthians 14:21) Even Jesus in quoting the Psalms
(82:6) asked - "Is it not written in your law?"
(John 10:34)
Thus the term, law, was used to cover the entire Old Testament at times,
even though technically it referred primarily to the first five books
written by Moses.
TOP p 77 -- Appendix
history of any church body is also the history of its interpretation
of Scripture. By implication a shift or change in the method used for
interpretation of Scripture by a church, its scholars, or others within
it inevitably would be accompanied by a shift or change in its course,
doctrines, self -understanding, purpose, and mission. (Biblical
Interpretation Today , p. 1) During the first fourteen hundred years
of the Christian era, two methods of Biblical interpretation competed
for acceptance. One was developed at Antioch in Syria known as the grammatical
-historical method. This school of thought insisted on the literal
sense or meaning of the Scripture, and placed emphasis on grammatical
studies. In contrast to this approach the school at Alexandria in Egypt
adopted an allegorical method which claimed that all Scripture
had a spiritual meaning, but not all had a literal meaning. Thus of
the two, the most important was the spiritual. The concepts of the school
at Antioch were eclipsed by the Alexandrian perceptions; however, during
the Reformation these were revived as a basis for an understanding of
the Word of God by Luther and the other Reformers - Calvin, Zwingli,
and Melanchthon. Following the Reformation period, arising
out of the age of Enlightenment and rationalism in the 18th Century,
a critical method known as the historical-critical method, developed.
This became the method of interpreting the Bible by modern Protestantism.
Its objective was to destroy the conservative orthodox view of Biblical
truth and history. Today certain scholars trained in this method, and
who used it, now declare it "bankrupt" and having run its
course must be considered to be at an "end." This method reduced
the Bible to a dead letter And destroyed faith in its divine origin. "Until about 1940, practically all
Adventist Bible study relied on what is known as the proof text method.
Today, most non-scholars in the church still follow that method, whereas
almost all Bible scholars follow the historical method. The SDA Bible
Commentary in the fifties (1952-57) was the first major Adventist
publication to follow the historical method as its guiding principle."
(Spectrum, Vol. 11, #2, pp. 17-18) This same writer (Raymond
F. Cottrell) in a way which demeans the "proof-text"
approach compared the two methods. He wrote: The
proof text method of Bible study consists of a study of the Bible in
translation (English for instance), of reliance on the analogy of Scripture
on the verbal level with little if any attention to context, of giving,
at best, inadequate attention to the historical setting of a statement
or message and what it meant to the people of its own time, and of permitting
subjective preconceptions to control conclusions arrived at deductively. By
contrast, the historical method consists of a study of the Bible in
its original languages, of accepting the literary context of every statement
and message as normative for its meaning, of determining what the messages
of the Bible meant to the various reading audiences to which they were
originally addressed, in terms of the intention of the inspired writer
and the Holy Spirit, of accepting that original meaning as a guide to
an accurate understanding of their import for us today, and of reasoning
inductively, arriving at conclusions on the basis of evidence. (Ibid.
p. 18) There is nothing wrong with the study of
the Bible in the original languages. It is to be commended. In fact,
through the Review and Herald in the last decade of the previous
Century, an attempt was made to give instruction in New Testament Greek
for the ministry and laity of the Church alike. Neither is it wrong
to p 78 --
understand the context in which a passage
of Scripture was written and the message intended for the one or ones
for whom it was written. BUT, it must be kept in mind that the Holy
Spirit was giving, in many instances, messages for a different time
and in a different context. Further, the Divine instruction in doctrinal
concepts was laced throughout the entire Bible. These statements must
be brought together so as to formulate a complete and accurate concept
of a given doctrine. All of this points up the simple fact that
we need to know beyond question what we believe, and why we believe
it, based upon the Bible as the sole and infallible source of truth.
And the method of interpretation one uses will determine how he will
arrive at the formulation of that truth. TOP TERMS
AND THEIR MEANINGS Connected with the historical-critical
method of interpreting the Bible are various approaches which have been
used by modern scholars to find what could be called the "bottom
line" in determining the origin of the written Word. To familiarize
you with these names and the meaning of the terms used, we list the
following: Source
Criticism attempts to discover the sources of a passage of Scripture.
It assumes "that the production of Scripture
was conditioned historically not only by the fact that it had combined
documents with a prior history of their own, but also that wider movements
in human life had influenced their content." (Tucker, Form
Criticism, p. iv.) Form
Criticism attempts to discover the literary style and structure
of a unit of literature as it relates to the sociological setting out
of which it arose. It "presupposes that,
however unwittingly, all Israelites over many centuries contributed
to the making of the Bible; that it was simply a result of their having
had a communal existence as Israelites." (Ibid, p. vi) Tradition
Criticism attempts to trace the process by which a piece of literature
moved from stage to stage until it reached its final form. It "assumes
that the whole community, in all expressions of its existence, participated
in giving shape to the tradition and in handing it on, generation after
generation." (Ibid.) -- B-3 Redaction
Criticism attempts
to discover and describe the theological themes on the basis of which
the redactor selected, modified, and shaped the materials in their final
form. It "assumes that the final collector(s) of the document was
himself an author working within and conditioned by a specific socio-political-economic
religious life setting." With all of these methods at work, one
can well understand how the Word of God has been reduced to a dead letter
in apostate liberal Protestantism by adopting even in a modified form
some of these approaches. (The data for this essay was taken for
the most part verbatim from the illustrated appendix of the syllabus
- Current Issues and Revelation-Inspiration - by E. Edward Zinke,
prepared for the 1985, . World Ministers Council, New Orleans. LA.)
TOP p 79 --
- TYPE - NEW COVENANTS IN DIAGRAM 1 . -- Adam -----2.
-- Sinai -----3. -- Golden Calf --------4. -- Cross of Christ ------------- 1.
-- God gave to Adam a "commanded" covenant. (Gen. 2:16-17).
Obey: -- Live; Disobey: -- Die. Adam broke the covenant. (Hosea 6:7
margin) Christ stepped in, and God made a covenant with Him and
with man. (Gen. 3:15; Rev. 13:8) This was the New Covenant when
ratified at Calvary. (Heb. 9:12-15) 2.
-- At Mt. Sinai, God entered into a covenant with Israel which contained
no provision for mercy. It was Obey: -- Live; Disobey: -- Die. (Ex.
20:22; 24:8; Note - 23:20-21) Within forty days Israel broke the
covenant. (Ex. 32:1-6) 3.
-- Moses interceded for Israel. (Ex. 32:30-32) God then made
a Covenant with him and with Israel. (Ex. 34:10, 27) Under this
Covenant the typical sanctuary functioned. (Ex. 25:.8-9) The
book of Hebrews refers to this relationship as the house of Moses. (Heb.
3:2-5) 4.
-- All reality finds its end in Christ. He is the Seed of the woman,
the antitype of Moses, the great High Priest, and Mediator of the New
Covenant. Christ is the "Son over His own house." (Heb.
3:6) TOP p 80 --
EPIPHANES and the LITTLE HORN of DANIEL 8 The reason for discussing Antiochus Epiphanes
in relationship to "the little horn" of
Daniel 8 is that most modern prophetic commentators consider
this Seleucid king as the fulfillment of the prophecy of "the abomination
of desolation." ["Transgression of desolation" (8:13);
"the abomination that maketh desolate" (11:31;
12:11)] Antiochus Epiphanes was the eighth ruler
in the Seleucid dynasty which arose out of the divisions of Alexander
the Great's Empire. This dynasty was more or less continuous from 312-65
BC Son of Antiochus the Great, Antiochus Epiphanes reigned from 175-164
BC He designated himself as Theos Epiphanes - "God Manifest."
A devotee of Zeus, probably perceiving himself as an incarnation of
this chief deity, he sought the advancement of Greek culture and religion
throughout the regions he controlled. This brought him into direct conflict
with the Jews. He wrought the most damage upon the city of Jerusalem
since the siege and destruction by Nebuchadnezzar. His most provocative
act toward the Jews was the desecration of the Temple by offering a
pig on the sacred altar, and forcing the people to eat of the sacrificed
swine. In I Maccabees 1:54, it is stated - "They builded an abomination
of desolation upon the altar." Three years later to the day a new
altar was "dedicated afresh." (4:53-54)
These historical facts form the basis for the identification of Antiochus
Epiphanes as "the little horn" of Daniel
8. A review of the specifications of the prophecy and the
statement of Jesus Himself negate such an interpretation. Daniel
8 begins with a vision of a ram, designated as "the
kings of Media and Persia." (8:3,20)
This is followed by a he-goat declared to be "the king of Grecia"
with the single notable horn "as the first king." (8:5,21)
The "great horn" is broken, and in its place comes "up
four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven." (8:8)
This is interpreted by Gabriel to mean that "four kingdoms shall
stand up out of the nation, but not in his power." (8:22)
The Seleucid dynasty was one of these kingdoms of which Antiochus Epiphanes
was but one of the line - not even the greatest! The prophecy continues - "And out
of one of them came forth a little horn." (8:9)
Whether the "one" refers back to "winds" of heaven,
or to the "horns" involves the linguistics of verses 8
& 9.
If "winds," indicating location, a significant case can
be made as to where "the little horn" was to arise; for the
direction of conquest, and thus origin, form a vital part of this prophecy.
The "little horn" was to move "toward the south, toward
the east, and toward the pleasant land." Directions were also given
for the movements of the ram and the he-goat. (8:4-5) For example,
the ram moved westward, northward, and southward. This means that he
came from the east. See map on next page. Applying
this same reasoning to "the little horn" who moved south,
east and toward the pleasant land, or Palestine, he would have to originate
in the north and west. This leads to the designation of Rome as "the
little horn." The conquests of Rome followed the directional sequence
of the prophecy. First Rome challenged and conquered Carthage to the
south; then Greece to the east, followed by the conquest of the Eastern
Mediterranean area. There
are other prophetic criteria identifying "the little horn."
The ram "became great;" the he-goat "waxed very great;"
but the little horn "became exceeding great." (8:4,8,9)
The interpretation given by Gabriel indicated further, that the little
horn would appear at "the latter end of their [horn's] kingdom."
(8:23) Antiochus Epiphanes meets none of these specifications. In
The Historians' History
of the World,
Vol. V, p. 1, is an observation which fits perfectly this
prophecy if the "One of them" refers to the "horns."
It p
81 -- reads: "As
a matter of fact, the West [or Greek part of Italy] was left by the
mother country to its own devices. But it presently became evident that
the development that took place was fraught with consequences of the
utmost moment to the Hellenistic political system. By abstaining from
preemptory interference, while such interference was yet possible, the
Macedonian kingdoms permitted a power to arise in Italy so strong that
in a very short time it proceeded to aim a fatal blow at their own existence." Jesus
Christ Himself gives the final word to the question as to whether "the
little horn" of Daniel
8 is Antiochus Epiphanes. He told His disciples that "the
abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet" was
yet future in their day. (Matthew
in his book - The Late
Great Planet Earth - popularized the teaching of the
Secret Rapture. This concept of a secret coming of Christ for His "elect"
prior to the great tribulation and the appearing of the antichrist is
today "the lifeblood of the electronic church." A teacher
of this theory makes the following explanation of the term, "rapture."
He wrote: Strange
to say the word itself does not appear in the Bible. The English word
means: "to transport to a state of happiness." It comes from
the Latin word, "rapio, " meaning "to seize quickly or
suddenly" or "to snatch away." If
the reader will carefully consider I Thessalonians 4:13-18, he
will Note - that in the day of Christ's sudden coming for His own, they
are to be "caught up" (verse 17). The Greek word here
means precisely "snatch up suddenly." From this we derive
the term "Rapture" commonly used among premillennial teachers
in referring to the first phase of His second advent. (The Rapture,
pp. 4-5; Quoted in The Secret Rapture and the Antichrist, p.
11) To
clothe the theory in the respectability of New Testament Greek research,
its advocates have asserted that there is a difference between the parousia,
or personal presence of Christ, and the apokalupsis,
or revelation of Christ in His glory. However, the very text cited to
associate the concept of "snatch away suddenly" with the Latin,
"rapio" and hence the English, "rapture" - 1
Thessalonians 4:15-17 - declares "the parousia
(coming) of the Lord" to be accompanied by "a shout, with
the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God." Hardly
secret! Further Paul declares that "Wicked One" (Antichrist)
will be consumed with the spirit of His mouth at Christ's parousia.
(II Thess. 2:8)
So the antichrist does not come after the parousia
of Christ, but is destroyed at his parousia. It
is also taught that these two supposedly different comings of Christ
are separated by seven years. To obtain this sum of years, the Seventy
Weeks of Daniel 9,
are arranged so as to have the 69 weeks cover till the time of Christ's
first Advent. Then is introduced a "prophetic parenthesis"
till the parousia
of Christ to be followed by the 70th week. This is built upon dispensationalism
with the Church Age during the time of the "Gap." Great
stress is made of the results of the "rapture" upon civilization.
Newspapers of the variety which will supposedly be published following
the "rapture" are used as "missionary" literature.
One such "advanced" edition carries in bold headlines - MULTITUDES
MISSING - with a sub-line, "Nations Throughout the World Alarmed
Over the Mysterious Disappearing of People from the Earth." In
writing of occurrences, the imagination is left unfettered. Terrible
wrecks take place on the highways as the driver of one vehicle is snatched
away. Airplanes crash because the pilot disappears. Even the editor
of this Post Rapture Journal has himself listed among the missing,
with the reminder he had preached his famous sermon, "The Meeting
in the Air," hundreds of times. The
Scriptures teach plainly only one second coming of Christ not a two
phased event. Jesus told His disciples: - Note
- the time sequence by the use of "then" - And
then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with power and
great glory. And then shall He send His angels, and shall gather together
His elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth
to the uttermost part of heaven. (Mark. 13:26-27) (Note
- The "they" that see are defined in Matt. 24:30
as "all the tribes of earth." The meaning of "elect"
was discussed in the Lesson, p. 49.) p
83 -- E - 2 The
fact is that dividing the second coming of Jesus into two events was
not known in Christian teaching prior to the early 1800's. There are
some advocates, however, of this theory who hold that certain statements
of early church fathers can be used to sustain its approach to apostolic
origin. One of these men is John Walvoord, who is known as the "dean"
of this teaching. His conclusions are discredited in a recent publication,
The Great Rapture Hoax, by Dave MacPherson (pp. 338-339). * The
teaching of the rapture of the "saints" prior to the great
tribulation came by a revelation to a young Scottish teenager, Margaret
Macdonald, in 1830. Through this revelation or dream, Margaret introduced
the "secret" rapture idea noting that Christ would first be
seen by only Spirit-filled Christians. She indicated that the antichrist
was still in the future, instead of the historic Protestant designation
of the Papacy. From that beginning in Port Glasgow, Scotland, it was
taken and developed by John Darby and C. I. Scofield into a whole futuristic
schema of last day events. [
* This book may be obtained from the New Puritan Library, 91 Lytle Road,
Fletcher, North Carolina 28732. Another book by the same author - The
Incredible Cover-Up - is also very enlightening on this subject.]
teachings of Scripture in regard to the second coming of Christ use
various comparisons. The Son of man is pictured as coming first to the
Ancient of days to receive a kingdom. (Daniel
7:13-14) In the book of Revelation when the Lord God
omnipotent exercises His power to re-establish His authority in the
earth, the declaration is made - "the marriage of the Lamb is come."
(Rev. 19:6-7; 11: 15-17)
The coming of the Son of man to the Ancient of days involves a pre-Advent
investigative judgment. This dual representation of Jesus' coming is
mingled by Jesus in a parable He told. Jesus likened the kingdom of
heaven "unto a certain king, which made a marriage for His son."
(Matthew 22:2)
When those bidden would not respond, the festive hall was filled with
other guests. Then the king came in to inspect the guests. (22:11)
If a guest failed to have on the wedding attire supplied by the king,
he was cast out "into outer darkness." (22:12-13)
While the thrust of the first part of the parable was directed to the
Jewish leadership and how they responded to the coming of Jesus the
first time, the second section involves those who responded to fill
the places of the original Israel. The robe fitly represents the righteousness
of Christ. The messengers whom God has sent, present to God's second
Israel the robe necessary to come to the marriage supper of the Lamb. There
is another parable which Jesus told which should engage our attention
in regard to the marriage of the Lamb. It is the parable of the Ten
Virgins. (Matthew 25:1-13)
The setting should be carefully studied. As the story begins, ten virgins
have already responded to one call to go forth and meet the Bridegroom.
They "took their lamps and went forth (exelthon
from exerchomai)
to meet the bridegroom." (Verse
1) They were all a part of one group - albeit five were wise
and five were foolish. "They all slumbered and slept"
because the Bridegroom tarried. (Verse
5) Then at "midnight" a cry was made. (Verse
6) It was the darkest hour, and the voice came from outside
of the virgins. This is what makes this parable so distinctive from
the other marriage parables Jesus told. The invitations in the other
parables were given by servants of the same kingdom as were the invited
guests. Further, this voice at midnight calls in the same language as
the call which brought them together in the first instance. The voice
called - "Go ye out to meet Him." (Verse
5) Here the word is exerchesthe from exerchomai,
but in the present tense: - "Be going out to a meeting of Him."
In response to this a separation occurred. Five responded, while five
continued to lean upon the venders of spiritual merchandise until it
was too late - the door was shut! (Verse
11) Here
is the same picture as all the other calls - a messenger with the Lord's
message. The tragedy is that there will be those who will be giving
lip service to the messenger and messengers of the past, but who will
miss or reject the message and messenger of the midnight hour. The concept
of the spiritual gift, which we call the spirit of prophecy, is much
broader as pictured in Scripture than we are prone to accept. Our limited
view may prove very costly in the light of eternity.
p 85 -- QUIZ ANSWERS Lesson
#1 -- Section I: 3, 2, 3, 2 -- Section II: T. F. F. T. F. T. Lesson
#2 -- (1) Father, Son, Holy Spirit. (2) form, equal.
(3) express, person. Hebrews 1:3. (4) is. (5) man,
things. (6) spirit, truth. (7) Bible. (8) fruits,
ground, word, lamb, offering, same, worship, truth. (9) man,
God. Acts 5:3, 4. Lesson
#3 -- (1) was, was, was, was, John 1:1-2. (2) I AM,
existent, existent. (3) decree, called, called. (4) flesh,
all, things. (5) Jesus Christ. (6) Jesus Christ. Neh.
9:12-15; 1 Cor. 10:1-4. (7) Creator, Saviour, Lawgiver. Lesson
#4 -- (1) Bible, line, precept, precept. (2) Sabbath,
Lord, God. (3) Lord, Mark 2:27-28. (4) Friday, Saturday,
according, commandment, Sunday. (5) Friday, sundown Saturday,
hour, sacred. (6) cares, delight, ways, pleasures, words, Lord.
(7) flesh, Sabbath. Isaiah 66:22-23. Lesson
#5 -- (1) nine, eight, six, resurrection. (2) command,
seventh. (3) fear, Jews, believe. (4) Acts 20:7, preached,
midnight, depart, farewell, Jerusalem. (5) after, midst, per
verse. (6) vain, commandments. Matthew 15:9. Lesson
#6 -- (1) holy. (2) Ten, Commandments. (3)
Commandments, voice, written, finger. (4) ark, holy, sanctuary.
(5) Moses, Moses, witness (testimony). (6) land, possession,
4:12-14. (7) Sabbaths, people, Lord. (8) hearts, mind. Lesson
#7 -- Matching- b. h. d. a. g. j. f. i. e. c. (1) righteousnesses,
filthy, rags, 64:6 (2) enemies, reconciled, Son, reconciled,
saved, life, 5:10. Lessons
# 8 & #9 -- (1) consider, sanctuary, pitched, man.
(2) shadow, example, high, once, High, second. (3) forgiveness,
cleansing. (4) one, year, Ezekiel 4:6. (5) time, end,
9:24-26. (6) 457, 483, Anointed. 27. midst, week, 31, 34, 1844,
second, cleansing (judgment). (7) sin, salvation. Lesson
#10 -- (1) John 14:3, I will come again. (2) tribes,
see, trump, dead, will, arise, living, righteous, in, the, air, ever,
be, the, Lord. (3) first, resurrection, 1000, years. (4)
desolate, being, Satan, dung, buried. (5) thrones, judgment.
(6) New, Jerusalem, fire, devours, second. (7) all, things,
throne, God, servants, serve. Lesson
#11-- F. T. T. T. T. F. F. T. F. T. F. T. F. T. T. Lesson
#12 -- (1) Moses, Christ. (2) God (faith), commonwealth,
Christ. (3) pillar, ground. (4) homes, upper, written,
heaven. (5) baptism, water, Spirit. (6) death, burial,
resurrection. (7) humility, bread, wine. (8) tithes, holy,
tenth, curse, blessing. (9) meat (food), due, season. (10)
Father, Son. (11) commandments, faith. (12) hear,
voice. Lesson
#13 -- (1) sanctified, man. (2) truth, spiritual.
(3) loved, hated. (4) tea, coffee, cola. (5) mice,
Isaiah 66:15-17. (6) modesty. (7) Love, world, world,
world, Father. (8) evil. (9) displaced, person. (10)
temple, Spirit. Lesson
#14 -- There is no Quiz. End of Bible Study Guide.