~~~~~ SEARCH is available only on pages with this message while it is being upgraded. Thank you. ~~~~ {~~} top ~~~~~ ADVENTIST LAYMEN'S FOUNDATION OF CANADA (ALF) Publisher
of the ALF
SHORT STUDIES - William H. Grotheer - top ALF Manuscripts Interpretative
History of the Doctrine of the Incarnation as Taught by the Seventh-day
Adventist Church, An Bible
Study Guides Excerpts
- Legal Documents Holy Flesh Movement 1899-1901, The - William H. Grotheer Hour and the End is Striking at You, The - William H. Grotheer In
the Form of a Slave Jerusalem
In Bible Prophecy Key
Doctrinal Comparisons - Statements of Belief 1872-1980 Pope
Paul VI Given Gold Medallion by Adventist Church Leader Sacred Trust BETRAYED!, The - William H. Grotheer
Seal of God Seventh-day
Adventist Evangelical Conferences of 1955-1956 SIGN of the END of TIME, The - William H. Grotheer STEPS
to ROME Times
fo the Gentiles Fulfilled, The - A Study in Depth of Luke 21:24 Remembering ~~~~~ OTHER BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS & ARTICLES: Additional
Various Studies -- ~~~ Bible As History - Werner Keller Place of the Bible In Education, The - Alonzo T. Jones Facts of Faith - Christian Edwardson Individuality in Religion - Alonzo T. Jones Letters to the Churches - M. L. Andreasen "Is the Bible Inspired or Expired?" - J. J. Williamson Sabbath, The - M. L. Andreasen Sanctuary
Service, The So Much In Common - WCC/SDA Daniel and the Revelation - Uriah Smith Spiritual Gifts. The Great Controversy, between Christ and His Angels, and Satan and his Angels - Ellen G. White Canons of the Bible, The - Raymond A. Cutts Under
Which Banner? - Jon A. Vannoy TOP
General Note: All the Specials and Commentaries are in the last file of the year. There are 4 files for each year: jm=Jan-Mar; aj=Apr-Jun; js-=Jul-Sep; od=Oct-Dec.
Due to his failing health, Elder Grotheer requested that ALF of Canada continue publishing thoughts through its website www.AdventistAlet.com which now has developed into frequent Blog Thought articles plus all of the Foundation's historical published works written and audio. As of 2010, with the official closing of the ALF of USA , The Adventist Laymen's Foundation of Canada with its website www.Adventist Alert.com is the only officially operating ALF branch established by Elder Grotheer worldwide. We are thankful for the historical legacy that is now available through The
Adventist Laymen's Foundation of Canada, POB 8255, The Nov. 1977 issue discusses "What is the "Watchman What of the Night?" Tax deductible receipts are still given for all gifts as usual. The MISSION of this site -- is to put the articles from the WWN in Essay form to be Browsed and Word Searched by word or subject. It is not our purpose to copy WWN in whole. Any portion of the thought paper may be reproduced without further permission by adding the credit line - "Reprinted from WWN, Victoria, BC Canada." top {~~~} |
END TIME LINE Parts 1-2 Part 2
p 1 --
Warning p 1 -- INTO THE MILIEU OF 1901 - 1903 Letter
to P. T. Magan, dated December 7, 1901 (M-184-1901). We may
have to remain here in this world because or insubordination many more
years, as did the childnew of Israel, but for Christ's sake, His people
should not add sin to sin by charging God with the consequence of their
own wrong course of action.
TO WRITERS AND EDITORS, p. 24 -- In the twenty-first
chapter of Luke Christ foretold what was to come upon Jerusalem, and with
it He connected the scenes which were to take place in the history of
this world just prior to the coming of the Son of man in the clouds of
heaven with power and great glory. Mark the words: "Take heed to
yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting,
and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you
unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face
of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be
accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and
to stand before the Son of man." 1902 [See "Appenix Notes" (1962 Ed.) p.526, comment on "Page 117"] TO MINISTERS AND WORKERS, p. 118 -- will exhibit themselves before the cities of the world; and this delineation has already begun to be fulfilled. By a variety of images the Lord Jesus represented to John the wicked character and seductive influence of those who have been distinguished for their persecution of God's people. All need wisdom carefully to search out the mystery of iniquity that figures so largely in the winding up of this earth's history.... In the very
p 2 -- Larger picture
p 3 -- Focus #1 p 4 -- DATA - 1926-1931 FOCUS
So Much in Common -- RELATIONSHIP
voted by the General Conference Executive Committee in 1926) In the desire to avoid occasion for misunderstanding or friction in the matter of relationship to the work of other societies, the following statement of principles is set forth as a guidance to our workers in mission fields in their contacts with other religious organizations: 1.
We recognize every agency that lifts up Christ before men as a part of
the divine plan for the evangelization of the world, and we hold in
high esteem the Christian men and women in other communions who are engaged
in winning souls to Christ. 3. We recognize that the essence of true religion
is that religion is based upon conscience and conviction. It in therefore
to be constantly our purpose that no selfish interest or temporal advantage
shall draw any person to our communion, and that no tie shall hold any
member save the belief and conviction that in this way he finds true connection
with Christ. When change of conviction leads any member of our society
to feel no longer in accord with us in faith and practice, we recognize
not only his right but his duty to change his religious affiliation to
accord with his belief.
San Francisco Chrinicle, February 12, 1929, p. 1 p 5 -- Focus #2
6 -- DATA FOR 1948 - 1956 FOCUS 1948 Our
Firm Foundation, Vol. II, p. 230 -- Victorious as were the forces
of Israel in every other part of Palestine, they failed to take the most
dazzlirig objective of all. Mysteriously they were held back from achieving
this most cherished goal, this culminating triumph, as by an unseen hand. What could be the reason? Only that the times of the Gentiles are not yet fulfilled. "Coming events cast their shadows before" - DA, p. 636 1950 1888 Re-Examined & The
Mystery of 1888 -- Obtainable from: Adventist History P. 0. Box
1888, Naples, NC 28760 1952 W. H. Branson, President, General Conference, Our Firm
Foundation, Vol. II, pp. 616-617 To a large degree
the church failed to build on the foundation laid at the 1888 General
Conference. Much has been lost as a result. We are years behind where
we should have been in spiritual growth. Long ere this we should have
been in the Promised Land. But the message
of righteousness by faith given in the 1888 Conference has been repeated
here. Practically every speaker from the first day onward has laid
great stress upon this all-important doctrine, and there was no prearranged
plan that he should do so. It was spontaneous on the part of the speakers.
No doubt they were impelled by the Spirit of God to do so. Truly this
one subject has, in this conference "swallowed up every other." And this great truth
has been given here in this 1952 Bible Conference with far greater power
than it was given in the 1888 Conference because those who have spoken
here have had the advantage of much added light shining forth from hundreds
of pronouncements on this subject in the writings of the Spirit of prophecy
which those who spoke back there did not have. The light of justification
and righteousness by faith shines upon us today more clearly than it ever
shone before upon any people. No longer will the
question be, "What was the attitude of our workers and people toward
the message of righteousness by faith that was given in 1888? What did
they do about it?" From now on the great question must be, "What
did we do with the light on righteousness by faith as proclaimed in the
1952 Bible Conference?" 1955 - 1956 Letters to the Churches by M. L. Andreasen; Seventh-day
Adventist-Evangelical Conferences. p 7 -- Focus #3 ) p 8 -- DATA FOR 1967 - 1980 FOCUS
The Times of the Gentiles Fulfilled (On this website: The
Times of the Gentiles Fulfilled) 1977 Document:
Steps to Rome (The Seventh-day
Adventist Church given into hands of Antichrist in Symbolism) (On this
website: Steps to Rome ) Documents: Same as for 1967 plus Key Doctrinal Comparisons - Statements of Belief 1872-1980 (On this website: Key Doctrinal Comparisons - Statements of Belief 1872-1980 Into this Focus a Testimony from Ellen G.
White finds its "time and place": Review & Herald,
December 13, 1892. Ae God called the children of. Israel out
of Egypt, that they might keep his Sabbath, so he calls his people out
of Babylon, that they may not worship the beast or his image. The man
of sin, who thought to change times and laws, has exalted himself above
God, by presenting a spurious Sabbath, to the world; the Christian world
has accepted the child of the papacy, and cradled and nourished it, thus
defying God by removing his memorial, and setting up a rival Sabbath. After the truth has been proclaimed as a witness to all nations, every conceivable power of evil will be set in operation, and minds will be confused by many voices crying, "Lo, here is Christ, Lo, he is there. This is the truth, I have the message from God, he has sent me with great light." Then there will be a removing of the landmarks, and an attempt to tear down the pillars of our faith. A more decided effort will be made to exalt the false Sabbath, and to cast contempt upon God himself by supplanting the day he has blessed and sanctified. This false Sabbath is to be enforced by an oppressive law. Satan and his angels are wide-awake, and intensely active, working with energy and perseverance through human instrumentalities to bring about his purpose of obliterating from the minds of men the knowledge of God. But while Satan works with his lying wonders, the time will be fulfilled foretold in the Revelalation, and the mighty angel that shall lighten the earth with his glory, will proclaim the fall of Babylon, and call upon God's people to forsake her. At the time of the loud cry of the third angel those who have been in any measure blinded by the enemy, who have not fully recovered themselves from the snare of Satan, will be in peril, because it will be difficult for them to discern the light from heaven, and they will be inclined to accept falsehood. Their erroneous experience will color their thoughts, their decisions, their propositions, their counsels. The evidences that God has given will be no evidence to those who have blinded their eyes by choosing darkness rather than light. After rejecting light, they will originate theories which they will call "light," but which the Lord calls, "sparks of their own kindling," by which they will direct their steps. p 9 --
p 10 -- "MANY VOICES" Prior to the beginning of "the Loud Cry" in
1892, a few dissident voices had been heard - B. F. Snook and W. H. Brinkerhoff
of the Marion Party (1866); and D. M. Canright (1887). All along the "time-line" since 1900, there
have been "reform" movements: A. F. Ballenger (1914); The SDA
Reform Movement (1925); The Shepherds' Rod led by V. T. Houteff (1929);
and Robert D. Brinsmead (circa 1960). This covers about fifty years. However, "after the truth [had] been proclaimed as a witness to all nations," there has been heard in harmony with the "testimony" - "many voices." I -- Break away, or continuation of Brinsmead
Decade I teachings: II -- Continued "protest" of the Compromise
of 1955-56 and the book - Questions on Doctrine on the part of
one, and the organizational apostasy in their respective former church
affiliations: (Theme) III --New Voices: To # III could be added other "voices" and their
publications. Not a single "voice" of any of the above named
persons either verbally or in their publications face up to the "light"
given in the article of the R&H, December 13, 1892. These
all, without exception, either reject out-right the prophecy of Jesus
in Luke 21:24, or seek to mitigate its force even as does the Church.
BUT the prophecy of Jesus and the article are saying the same thing! End of manuscript available. 2012 top |